Materialistic Americans 10-15-16

Yes, I think that to an extent Americans have too much “stuff”. I also feel like people from other countries could be opinionated, they grew up in different environments and were held to different standards. They also could’ve have been predisposed to the opinion that Americans have too much stuff. But at the same time I think that at times we have too much. I feel like sometimes we have so much that our thoughts can become muddled and ungrateful. All of this is bittersweet, most people work really hard to get what they want. They are circumspect with what they have and they cherish it, but along with all of this stuff it can cause many problems. Some people get in fights over it, which becomes deadlocks and that could lead to an end of a relationship. People’s stuff can attract brigands who will steal it, and then that person’s hard work was for nothing. We also tend to put so much into this stuff, and it can easily be diffused and effaced, which at that point it would be nothing but debris. I think the only way to solve these issues is if we relinquish not all, but some of this stuff.

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